Welcome to Eve's Joy, Coaching& Mentoring, For Women Only, by Mrs.Valerie Malicki, MA, LPCC, CPM
Are you ready to uplevel your romantic relationship to the status of: power partners, soulmates, and lifelong lovers??? Discover one specific way to make your romantic fantasy a reality, with a Rock Solid Romance Mini Session. Apply for a FREE, personalized Mini Coaching Session at the very bottom of this page⤵️⤵️⤵️

What is a Rock Solid Romance?
✨️✨️✨️Power Partnership– that ends power struggles forever.🌹🌹🌹Soulmate Connection– where you become his one and ONLY physically, spiritually, and mentally.🏡🏡🏡 Lifelong Lovers– create epic generational blessings where your grandchildren recount the deep love of their grandparents 👩🏼❤️👨🏻
💖💖💖Creating this powerful, soulmate, lifelong lover relationship is exactly why I created my relationship coaching program: Rock Solid Romance. This program culminates over 2 decades combined as a wife, therapist, coach,& mentor. This program fast-tracks any women by giving her the exact tools needed create her very own Rock Solid Romance.❤️❤️❤️
Apply for a FREE Rock Solid Romance Mini Coaching Session below:
This super small step (below) is easy peasy AND will change your relationship forever. Simply write in the contact form(below) just a FEW words... sharing what part of a Rock Solid Romance is MOST important to YOU. I look forward to personally reaching out& connecting with you soon!